Thursday, March 26, 2009

Have anyone heard of ready mix keshvardhini oil?

I heard of pure keshvardhini oil but I want to buy ready mix keshvardhini oil over the internet because they sell that in India and I%26#039;m not in India. Someone please help me out?


whats inside of a good graphic designer portfolio?
Usually an assortment of finished product pieces,lay out,text,1 or 2 example of options on a layout or two.They should be(needless to say),your very best work.The ones that pop%26#039;n%26#039;sizzle,that you had fun doing.I found that those are the pieces I have an easier time explaining concept,design,choice of colors,fonts and so on.I have always included work that was done in different media,off the wall layout,unusual perspective and what ever else I thought would show off my talent,and creativity.I also kept a log of the time,from conception to execution of the finished piece.Graphic design is all about time,it pays to know how long it takes you to do the job,better,faster,and with the most creativity.I hope this helps,best of luck and peace!

How do i make my eyes stand out in pictures?

i have really pretty hazle eyes theres a brown ring in the middle and green on the outside. But in pictures my eyes look brown. How can i make my eyse look amazeing in pictures
How do i make my eyes stand out in pictures?
makeup like mascara and eye shadow will bring out your eyes if they are done right.
How do i make my eyes stand out in pictures?
I%26#039;m not sure but in digital use the close up feature or stand with a light shining right into your eyes
Reply:make the whole pic blank n white and have the color part of your eyes coloerd
Reply:Use a black eye liner(thin line) and a light shade of eye shadow,smile!!
Reply:You just close your eyes. You not only stand out but others will tell you that you closed your eyes! (just kidding)
Reply:I also have Hazel eyes like you do and this is what I do! These color of eye shadow really brings out the Hazel in your eyes--try it the color is purple, they have several shades, I like the lighter ones, but even the dark ones will work! They also have mascara, that will also help. I use it myself and am happy with the Almay, in fact that is the only mascara I use, that doesn%26#039;t bother my eyes!

Hope this helps! When taking pictures put more makeup on, this will help it show up more one the pictures!!!! Good Luck

Intense i-Color Mascara | Almay | Beauty %26amp; Spa | Walgreens

Almay Intense i-Color Mascara, Bring out the Hazel - Black Pearl. Price $7.49. Quantity: ... Contrasting Black Pearl instantly pops the hazel in your eyes. ...
Reply:sounds like the color balance on the digital cam taking the picture is off if your eyes are coming out plain brown...

work with the white balance and contrast... also if your cam is below 10 megapixel get a better camera.. above ten the difference is small below ten VERY clear..

you want to use reflected light for the picture.. %26lt;bounce the flash off the ceiling%26gt;

if that doesn%26#039;t do it. you are going to have to zoom in more... eyes are one of the hardest things to get right in a pic.
Reply:In portraits make sure you focus on the subjects eyes.
Reply:eye color

hazel /brown /green


suggest trying dark brown eyeliner, and some green eyeshadow matte, earth tone based,

other Q/A senses


seperate issue while searching

eye damage, mercury/ calomel/ hydrargyrum

Reply:Use the dodge feature in your photo enhancing software.

curbside view

There are other tricks, but for now, just give it a whirl

How do I print a number of different photo,s on one sheet of paper.?

I want to print four diferent photos on one sheet of paper
How do I print a number of different photo,s on one sheet of paper.?
In your documents, highlight all of them, right click and click on print, a wizard set up thing should come up, go through it, and it asks if you want a pic per page, or 2 pics per page etc...And you select which one you want, and hey presto!
How do I print a number of different photo,s on one sheet of paper.?
some camera software comes with program to print sets, check if you already have,

Photoscape : has option to combine and other settings,

if you have paint or photo editor, you can create new canvas, and copy and paste pictures into one background as group to print,

Picasa album


Reply:In Photoshop just use the Contact Sheet Script, it will automatically rotate, scale and align as many pictures as you want, on to any size of paper you want.

If you want to place more deliberately you start with a blank canvas the same size as the printer paper you are using (A4 or Folio etc.) Then you can just open and drag the pictures onto the canvas and resize and lay them out as you wish.

If you have CS or higher you can use the Place command in Bridge, just highlight the picture you want, go to File%26gt;Place%26gt;In Photoshop and it will place the picture on your canvas with a transform tool bounding box around it, you can resize, rotate, and move the picture where you want. The beauty of this method is it imports the picture as a Smart Object which means you can alter the original file totally non destructively any changes will be applied to the picture in your layout when you close the original file.

There are other ways using Templates which are even more advanced and are aimed at professionals building wedding album pages or even scrapbookers. These templates often carry things like frames or %26#039;Stroke Edges%26#039; automatically.

In any of these methods you can add text should you want to.

If you haven%26#039;t got Photoshop then the second simple, manual method can be used with Gimp, which is free. The trick is to open a blank canvas first.

Download Gimp here.


Can you guys help me on the equipment I should get for outdoor Fashion Photography ?

I%26#039;m in 11 grade, and this summer I wanted to do a little outdoor Fashion photography( mostly on the beach), but I was wonder what equipment I should get( I was doing a lot of reading and I was thinking about geting stobes and reflectors) also I was thinking about getting the nikon d80 with a 70mm lenses. Do you think that is a good camera and lenses?

Can you guys help me on the equipment I should get for outdoor Fashion Photography
Can you guys help me on the equipment I should get for outdoor Fashion Photography ?
In terms of outdoor lighting if you are going to use strobes then you will need to either have a portable battery pack or a gas generator both of which are really going to set you back a lot of money, at least a lot more than the camera and lens. Additionally strobe equiptment can be quite heavy because in addition to the strobe pack and heads you will also have to carry around tripods, sandbags(needed to weigh down the tripods so as to prevent the lights from falling over in the wind) as well as other light modifiers and such.

If you want a cheap, portable and a relatively powerful lighting setup for its size I would suggest a Quantum Q flash. It is portable, easy to use, and has a variety of light modifiers such as umbrellas and softboxes which you can use. The best part is that it is cheap, and should cost no more than $1200 for everything you will need

Now if you want something more powerful, are still on a budget and dont mind carrying around a heavy battery pack then check out alien bees. I would suggest one of their 800w/s strobes with a battery pack which again will cost you around $1000 with all the extra lighting modifiers and such.

So in terms of cameras, I would suggest you take a look at a D200 which is more professional and rugged than the d80. Since the D300 came out you can get this older model for a good price. Better yet you can get a used one at and use that extra money you saved on more lighting equipment. As for lenses you may be strapped for cash so I suggest something like a Sigma APO 70-200mm F2.8

I have a G. Rodo Boulanger painting, can you tell me the name of the painting?

The painting is of a child wearing striped clothes, sitting on the floor with some marbles. My Father-in Law is and estate lawer that picked it up some time ago. He lost the paperwork that was with it and we can%26#039;t find the name of the painting anywhere.

What should I charge for pencil portraits?

I am a budding amateur artist who is embarking on the opportunity to do pencil drawings of friends/acquaintances. They have seen my drawing and I have offered to draw them or their loved ones if they give me a picture of them. The first gentleman who I did a picture for, I did it for free because he is a friend of mine. He liked the results so much that he wants more done, and wants to pay me for future pictures. I would love to get paid to make art but I have no idea what I should charge him. Can anyone out there give me any tips?

Also: The pictures are black and white, done in pencil, size 14 x 17 or smaller, not framed. The cost probably should be based on how much time it took me to do it, right? Because then a picture with more people would cost more than a picture with just one or two, which I think is accurate. Thanks in advance for any help!
What should I charge for pencil portraits?
My daughter had pencil drawings of my grandchildren done at the mall and he charged anywhere from 25.00 to 50.00. Hope I helped
What should I charge for pencil portraits?
i know this girl that does pencil on cards she really good she charges $100 a head if i could see your pic i could tell you more most books say you start at $10.00 an hour you could get more if do washes in black ink, there more contrast,and value when i did that in college, i charge about $60.00
Reply:I base the price of my drawing on: size, number of subjects drawn, medium( graphite, charcoal, colored pencil), time, detail, quality

for the example you give if it was one subject I%26#039;d be charging around $85. I have been commissioning since I was 13 with paintings and drawings. Though for something a bit bigger with lots of detail I generally get $250. But since I haven%26#039;t seen what level your artwork is at, it%26#039;s a bit harder to set a price. Don%26#039;t be afraid to set a higher price, f you spend 10 hours on a piece and get paid $50 for the piece then it%26#039;s like being paid $5 an hour!

Generally when theres another subject to draw, i%26#039;d charge around another $50. It takes a long time to draw yet even more faces! I tend to say to my customers that a regular size sheet of paper 8.5%26quot;X 11%26quot; for one face is about $75, I%26#039;ll reduce or increase from that depending on size and so on.

Really though you should set a price that feels fair to both you and the costumer. Talk to them about it, if they think it%26#039;s worth $100 and you think $70, then settle in between, or the other way around. Be firm and don%26#039;t let those few people take advantage of you. I once had a lady who had a tiny kodak picture of her three kids who wanted a drawing done. I was 13 at the time and because of my age she said she%26#039;d give me $10! No way lol, Hope this helped a bit, good luck!

Reply:Back in the 1970%26#039;s when folk festivals were so popular, I would charge $3.00 for a three minute charcoal sketch.

With inflation and such, a drawing may not may or may not sell at $10.00 for the same sketch

Check out my Blog for some of my cheap charcoal sketches

curbside view
Reply:Are you referring to portraiture or character (cartoon) representation? A portraiture likeness takes longer so should cost more if done well. A character (cartoon) representation is usually done much faster similar to a quick sketch. Prices vary. Just starting out you should keep your prices low, but not too low. Figure 15 to 20 an hour. That should include your basic material costs, (pencils and good drawing paper.) If the client wants the picture matted and framed. Then charge for that service to. As you gain experience you will get better and faster. Later you can increase your base price as you gain fame and demand for your work.

Keep Arting!

Jeff (weseye) Wesley
Reply:fhere%26#039;s my opinion:

-he was the one who offered to pay you, so id take what he gives. ive never seen your art, so i dont know how good you are, and please understand that in no way am i doubting your skill, it%26#039;s just that seeing as you are as you say %26#039;a budding amateur%26#039;, i wouldn%26#039;t ask for a price, just accept what he pays you graciously. again, seeing as he suggested payment, he probably wont be ripping you.

Wht is the effect used on fotos that means u can av most of the pic in black + white + some of it in colour?

also where is the best online site I can use to use this effect?
Wht is the effect used on fotos that means u can av most of the pic in black + white + some of it in colour?
selective colouring, goto and downlaod the free manipulation programme they offer,

come bak and ask how to do it

Wht is the effect used on fotos that means u can av most of the pic in black + white + some of it in colour?
You must have software that allows you to work in layers, such as Photoshop or Elements. Make a second layer of the image over the first and then desaturate (make BW) the top image. Then select the area you want in color and use eraser to erase inside the selection. The color will show through.

If you are starting with a BW image then make an empty layer over the image and set the blending mode to multiply. make your selection you want color and paint the color inside the selection. Adjust transparency to get the effect you want.

Macro Photography.........?

Does anybody have any ideas of what photos to take in Macro Photography?

For those who dont know what it is, It is pictures of like random objects but very detailed and very close up.

If you have any good ideas, please suggest them.


LessThanThree %26lt;3
Macro Photography.........?
carpet, a bug, a cats eye, some open fruit, a dirty old wall, some wood a tree, some other stuff, maybe some tile thing... grass, plants, a ladybug...
Macro Photography.........?
This one is really down to your passion and personal taste.

Have a think about what you want your photo%26#039;s to convey ans say about you as the photographer. Do you want obscure photo%26#039;s that get the viewer thinking about what the item could be for instance? or do you want to show the beauty of a flower?

I like to take close ups of parts of objects to give the viewer a kinda of %26quot;what am i?%26quot; line of thinking.
Reply:Get creative! Go out into the world yourself and find things that inspire you! Stop relying on other people for inspiration.

You will find your best work coming from yourself and not others suggestions. If you rely on other people, then your photos will be nothing but the same old thing.

(BTW, I would love to see the work you do and watch you progress.. do you have a flickr or deviantart page yet?)
Reply:Foliage is good - say a meadow of flowers. There can be really startling effects with varying the depth of field.

Stop-motion photography often uses styles similar to this.

Oddly, insects make good studies, too. They tend to be still for long periods.

Results are, of course, better using a tripod and remote/delayed shutter, to reduce motion blurring.
Reply:Try going onto Flickr and type in Macro and see what comes up. That should give you tons of ideas!

ICE IS GREAT........ had a go with some colouring food drops over ice too.... nice effects

If you have a good lens you get some cracking patterns
Reply:you could photography anything in marco, its entirly up to you, you find alot of people tend to do flowers, leaves etc etc/ You could do close ups on very small bugs on planst anything really that takes your fancy!
Reply:Anything close up thought it%26#039;s very common to take a photo of flowers and bugs yet these subjects are overdone IMO. The key to macro is doing something unique and getting the right dof.
Reply:What does %26quot;Less Than Three %26lt;3%26quot; mean ??

I%26#039;ve been professionally shooting Macro most of my life, so I%26#039;ll try and help, but your question is a little vague.

Almost anything small makes a good subject. I%26#039;ve always preferred insects. There%26#039;s an endless variety and they%26#039;re not easy to do. The point of Macro photography is to capture an image that most people can%26#039;t or don%26#039;t see, because the fine details of the subject are too difficult to see without the aid of a magnifying glass, etc. And, remember, some of the most important things in Macro photography are lighting, focus, and depth of field.

Examples of a few of the millions of subjects are:





Carpet Fibers

Pencil Point

Bird Feathers

Butterfly Wings

Mouse Nose

Cat%26#039;s Eye


Cloth Fibers


Etc, etc, etc...........

If you want to really capture good images, get yourself a good camera, good lenses, and good strobes.

Whatever you do, have fun. Always have fun. Macro is extremely satisfying when you know what you%26#039;re doing.
Reply:paint splat

ice cream



stack of papers


key chains



scattered toys

How do i blow up a photo?

i am trying to blow up these three photos to fit on a 8%26quot; by 10%26quot; computer paper to print from photobucket:

how do i blow them up with out distorting them?

thank you, and step by step instructions are extremely appriciated!( :
How do i blow up a photo?
1. buy fireworks

2. light fireworks next to photos

3. ????

4. Profit
How do i blow up a photo?
talk 2 jamie hymen from muthbysters (*walrus mustash*)
Reply:Get Gimp and you can inflate those heads to any size you desire.

It is just re-scaling the image.

If you don%26#039;t want the Gimp (free Gnu Image Manipulation Program) you could get the same effect with photoshop.

With gimp you just rescale it under image pushing your resolution and size up to what you need.

For these three images you would then have to crop them and position them in your sheet in the print preview.

Most photoeditors should be able to do this but Gimp is free.

Another way is just to download them to a floppy and take that to a place that prints images like Office Depot or Quickprint.
Reply:You are getting dumb answers because the correct term is %26quot;enlarge%26quot; a photograph, not %26quot;blow up.%26quot;
Reply:OK listen to me... the best way, regardless of the software, is to use a redundant 10% enlargement method.

To do this you will take the image and enlarge it by 10%... then enlarge it by 10% again and again until you get the size you want.

This is the very best way to enlarge a small image into a larger one.

If you can choose your resampling method use %26quot;bicubic smoother%26quot; or just %26quot;bicubic%26quot; for best results.

If you can not do this. send me an email address and I will do it for you.

I just finished Marylin and it is ready to be sent to you.
Reply:That is easy.

First, use photoshop or whatever software you have... open up your photos and resample the images at twice their size and re-resample them at 600 dpi

secondly, use the effect tool to blurr them very very slightly and then resharpen them, only slightly.

Now, scale them down, NOT downsampling... i did say re-size them down to 8 x 10.

When you print them, the printer can output at 1200 dpi or even 600 dpi will do a good job.

Just remember to always blow them up to 16 x 20. Then you apply what I said prior.

What do you think?

this is my new expert I wanna turn into a short story revised and I wanna know if you think if I should keep it going?
What do you think?
For me it is too hard to read. Could you change it so as not to loose the integrity of the artwork and make it more readable? Don%26#039;t give up, it shows potential

Keep Arting!

Jeff (weseye) Wesley

Map of Lake - Pirate Style?

I would like to put a map of our lake under glass on the coffee table. Does anyone know where I can get this type of pirate/old english map drawn? Or a computer program that I could do it myself.
Map of Lake - Pirate Style?
You might find what you%26#039;re looking for (or something similar) on -- inexpensive stock photos and artwork.

Easy ten points for a quick edit?

i am horrible with photoshopish stuff, so i just need someone to edit this picture a bit, to make it less bright/contrasty. i don%26#039;t like it, just make it look a little better? i%26#039;m sure it%26#039;ll only take a couple minutes.

^^^ there is the picture.

Easy ten points for a quick edit?
~I%26#039;ll do it. Send me an e-mail.~

Where can i read romance and shoujo?

You can try They offer scans of some shoujo manga.

Which is the best digital SLR camera and lens combination available within 500$?

I have used point and shoot cameras for 2 years and would love to graduate to digital SLR cameras.

I would prefer a camera which is not too new in the market.
Which is the best digital SLR camera and lens combination available within 500$?
The Nikon D40 is the best bang for the buck right now and it%26#039;s an amazing DSLR
Which is the best digital SLR camera and lens combination available within 500$?
I happen to like the E series digital SLR%26#039;s from Olympus. At ten megapixel%26#039;s, the camera%26#039;s lens is astoundingly sharp and the whole enchilada will cost you well within your budget. Check some of the sites like B%26amp;H Photo. Be wary of kits that offer you a bunch of stuff you don%26#039;t need. There%26#039;s also a package deal with two zooms for the E-510. Great feeling camera in the hand as well.
Reply:The BEST you could get, at your level of experience, and with your money restrictions, would be a used Nikon D70, %26quot;IF%26quot; you could find one possibly at B%26amp;H or Adorama in NY via the internet. If you want to graduate to the best, then you want Nikon equipment.

I'm confused about copyright ?

I have a blog at that blogspot i hope most of you know about it and i have been on some peoples blogs who are simliar to mine and they have photos of lips if they were talking about lips. Do you think they just got the photo from the internet and added it or do you think they asked?

I really want to add some photos but im worried about all this copyright stuff.

I hope im making sense.
I%26#039;m confused about copyright ?
All photographs are copyrighted by the photographer. You can post pics at any time but make shure you put your copyright at the bottom of the photo with the date it was taken and your name. You can also name the photograph as well. Keep a copy of it as you shot it and if you see someone else using it. You can complain and, if need be, take them to court for damages. A good photo can earn a good deal of money for the shooter.

Good luck, Rick

What file types and colors do you put in a brand identity kit for client use?

Need experienced graphic designer to answer this one... We currently output EPS and JPGs of each logo and alternative in Pantone Spot, CMYK, RGB, and Solid. It seems like way too much - a typical kit can include 20+ files; four or five versions of the logo and each alternative representation. What is necessary?
What file types and colors do you put in a brand identity kit for client use?
Here is a list of things I include when I package a logo for a company:

Color EPS

Grayscale / B/W EPS

Hi Res JPG

Low Res JPG (For the web, with instruction to use it for the web only)

Sometimes I will include a solid black %26quot;Stamp%26quot; of the logo..

A PDF with the list of pantone colors (small swatch) used along with visual example of fonts used and font and color guidelines...

Then I include the font files..

I think thats everything I include...

What should i spray on my converse to protect what i have painted on them?

i really dont know what kind of spray to buy
What should i spray on my converse to protect what i have painted on them?
What medium did you use to paint on them with?

There is something called matte medium which is like clear acrylic paint which might work. Or perhaps if you got a clear varnish, one that might be used to preserve oil paintings.

Hey can anybody help me please.....?

Hey does anybody know where I can find a tattoo meaning twisted please like symboles sorry about my spelling.....
Hey can anybody help me please.....?
I don%26#039;t think there is any tattoos out there to represent twisted. If you%26#039;re getting a tattoo, just tell the artist your ideas of what you think twisted is, and what you think it should look like. They%26#039;ll surely be able to put it all together and make it look nice..

Good microstock photo sites...?

I really like and I would like to find some more sites that are comparable in pricing and quality of photos. you folks know any? Thanks man!

I am looking for photography year 11 work experience in England Birmingham!?

I have already looked on I am looking for november 08
I am looking for photography year 11 work experience in England Birmingham!?
I am trying to understand what you wrote, which was, %26quot;I am looking for photography year 11 work experience in England Birmingham!? I have already looked on I am looking for november 08%26quot;

Are you looking for a photographer that has 11 y-experience in Birmingham, or are you the one with 11 y-experience and looking for a job.


Oh I see. You might have made it clearer--I assume this is part of the A level, etc.

Have you tried Craig%26#039;s List?
I am looking for photography year 11 work experience in England Birmingham!?
he/she doesnt mean either |:

year 11 is a grade..

i really want to do this too :/

but i live in scotland.
Reply:you need a translator to express what it is you are looking for. I am sure many of us would be willing to help if we just understood what it is you are asking. Please edit you Q and make it better to understand.

BTW... November 08 hasn%26#039;t happened yet?

Who designed...?

Hello, for my summer homework I have to look into graphic designers, I was wondering if annyone could tell me who designed the %26#039;The Black Parade is coming..%26#039; advert [fairly old now]- the advert that doesnt mention MCR at all, so its somewhat a mystery as to what the %26#039;black parade%26#039; was about. [I thought that was quite clever]

Also, if anyone could reccoment some interesting graphic designers I could look into, that would be highly appriciated! =)
Who designed...?
best anqswer: god is teh graeat designer of all things. for he it is is that maked the and humanes. vote jesus in 08,

Could you critique/rate/give feedback to my film?

i recently participated in a high school film festival (i got 3rd place, there were about 50 ppl, and i was one of the only freshmans and i beat most seniors, i want to pursue this in a carreer) and would really like to get some feedback. it is my first film

id appreciate it if some ppl would take a look and give feedback:
Could you critique/rate/give feedback to my film?
It was good! I liked that it was like a silent movie. I hope you make another one!

How can i make a professional shirt?

ok, so i dont want to use that tranfer paper because if the shirt is a differnt color then it will show white on the parts that i didnt print color on and didnt want any color on it and make the shirt look bad. does anyone know were i can get something that dosnt have white filled in the parts i dont want anything on it?...and also were i can find cheap shirts that come in more then one(w/ color).
How can i make a professional shirt?
I believe you can upload designs for shirts at

You can order individually or in bulk...Shirts come in any color...
How can i make a professional shirt?

Name my tattoo shop?

What would be a good mystical name for a tattoo shop.
Name my tattoo shop?
well it looks like your name is jewel so mabe jewel%26#039;s or like jewel%26#039;s tools? idk mabe that should help you 鈽衡櫏鈽?br>Name my tattoo shop?

I am not a professional photographer and have no schooling but.....?

I am not a professional photographer nor do I have any schooling. I will be signing up for a photography program in a couple of weeks. I have alot of people who really like my pictures and I have taken some for a few people. I eventually want to own my own business. My question is would it be ok for me to go ahead and name my %26quot;business%26quot; go ahead and do business cards with my name on them??

I have chosen a name but wasn%26#039;t sure if I could use it without actually have a I being confusing??
I am not a professional photographer and have no schooling but.....?

you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.
I am not a professional photographer and have no schooling but.....?
Sure you can. You can order business cards online, even. The companies really don%26#039;t care about the state of the business, as long as they get your money. Some business cards, though, have the location of the business on them. If you%26#039;re going to be working from home, that%26#039;s fine, but if you don%26#039;t have a business space yet, you may want to wait.

It%26#039;s good to be planning this out already. When you do have your own business, you won%26#039;t have to think of a name or get business cards. That will just be less for you to do, so you can focus on the rest of the chaos involved in starting your own business.
Reply:You need not establish a business name(for now), all you need to do is establish a network who can help you grow. Say shoot for your friend%26#039;s wedding or birthdays then ask them to refer you. And try to join different competitions to help you build your porfolio and use it as your basis for your planned business. Use every resources you have, and remember to utilize the internet.

HAS THIS PICTURE OF A WOMAN,BEEN (EDITED) IN ANYWAY.? looks like a professional picture?

it looks like a singer or something. very perfect. and another picture i have seen of thsi girl she looked ugly liike a man.

has this been changed on Photoshop.???
HAS THIS PICTURE OF A WOMAN,BEEN (EDITED) IN ANYWAY.? looks like a professional picture?
I have no idea who she is--and this picture, unfortunately, is far from so-called %26quot;very perfect%26quot;.

To answer your question--it could have been. So if it has been edited..
HAS THIS PICTURE OF A WOMAN,BEEN (EDITED) IN ANYWAY.? looks like a professional picture?
yes, it looks like it has been airbrushed
Reply:i dont think so... these days u get to do such hairstyles n shades almost everywhere!!!
Reply:Hmm... not sure. Her skin looks very smooth and flawless. She either had on great makeup or the picture was edited.
Reply:I believe that other than it being enlarged ( you can see the jpg artifacts in the image) it has be high passed (the halo in the details) to make it sharper. Any other touch up is a guess as to whether she was altered or just had on a lot of makeup. It probably was a cell phone image that was enlarged and sharpened.
Reply:Yes, this picture looks as if it was airbrushed
Reply:Its hard to tell because of the low resolution image but I think that it may have been edited. However you cannot tell without seeing the person in %26#039;real-life%26#039; or seeing a higher resolution image.

Guillermo Vargas starved a dog last year and called it art. He will do it again this year unless you sign.?

In 2007, the %26quot;artist%26quot; Guillermo Vargas Habacuc took a dog from the street. He tied him to a rope in an art gallery, starving him to death. For several days the %26quot;artist%26quot; and the visitors of the exhibition have watched emotionless the shameful %26quot;masterpiece%26quot; based on the dog%26#039;s agony, until he eventually died.

But thats not all.... the prestigious Visual Arts of the Central American decided that the %26quot;installation%26quot; was actually art. So Guillermo Vargas Habacuc has been invited to repeat his cruel action for the biennial of 2008. Please save an animal. This is NOT art. It%26#039;s cruelty.

Just please sign the petition. You will be saving a life.

I still wish I could of stopped it from happening the first time.
Guillermo Vargas starved a dog last year and called it art. He will do it again this year unless you sign.?
how do we sign that sounds horrible
Guillermo Vargas starved a dog last year and called it art. He will do it again this year unless you sign.?
how do we sign??!!??

Learn How to design and produce drawings by using StaadPro. All as per IS codes. I am an individual.?

Learn How to design and produce drawings by using StaadPro. All as per IS codes. I am an individual.

mail me at

I am using a printing lab online, should I charge people there prices for pictures?

I have started taking pictures but I am not a professional. I am using an online printing lab. When I am giving people a list of prices for pictures using the prices of the online site should I have something on the price sheet that states the site and that I am using there pricing?
I am using a printing lab online, should I charge people there prices for pictures?
If you charge them the price you pay for at the lab, you won%26#039;t make any profits whatsoever.
I am using a printing lab online, should I charge people there prices for pictures?
Start with a 5x7 for $9.95 and each size appropriately from this. You are in the business of making a profit so don%26#039;t feel ashamed of marking it up. Compare the prices of other Photogs in your area and use them as a guide... but DO NOT charge them only what it cost you!
Reply:You charge double what the price the site says is. So like an 8x10 is $1.99 you charge $3.99 and keep the shipping the same!! When you become a professional the you can mark up WAY more!!

Can any one tell me of any arab artist? ( drawer kinda artist) ?

Can any one tell me of any arab artist? ( drawer kinda artist) ?
Jordanian artist Ali Jabri - for pics. and info. on his life see

This artist spends months in the desert at archeological digs recording his surroundings and living the life of a Bedouin shepherd. He studied both in

Egypt, Europe and at Stanford University.

Can any one tell me of any arab artist? ( drawer kinda artist) ?

Can any one tell me of any arab artist? ( drawer kinda artist) ?;_ylt=A0ge...

visit this for best results

Has good photography become the skill of good post-processing?

Digital photography has brought with it the revolution of digital retouching. Has it become a question now of who can edit images the best?
Has good photography become the skill of good post-processing?
In a lot of ways yes, but no more so than it was with the old chemicals and baths. The ability to digitally enhance an image takes expertise and skill just as the taking of the image does. I would not seperate the two.. it is the 21st Century!
Has good photography become the skill of good post-processing?
Well I still believe in the old adage %26quot;Get it right in the camera.%26quot;

Ansel Adams didn%26#039;t invent the %26quot;Zone System%26quot; for exposure and printing because he was bored. He wanted to produce a perfect negative and perfect print with a minimum of darkroom manipulation.

Yes, back in the day of the darkroom there were certain things that you could do like burning and dodging but nothing on the scale of what can be done today.
Reply:The concept of %26quot;Garbage in, Garbage out%26quot; still holds true to digital photography. Digital retouching has its limits and over photoshopped photos often take an alright picture and turn it ugly.
Reply:No, I do not think post processing has, or ever will, take the place of good photography right in the camera. What drives me nearly screaming into the woods is how many people THINK that ALL great photos are just done in the computer. All you have to do is spend some time on here and read some of the questions. So many people think any crap photo taken with any crap camera can be magically transformed into some magnificent work or art, regardless of the initial in camera shot or skill of the photographer. THAT is what irritates me no end. Too many young people don%26#039;t want to consider the idea that skill and photographic knowledge is still, and always will be, the number one factor to good photographs. Any post processing work should be nothing more than simple adjustments, no different than what a good darkroom artist would do with film.

Now when you start getting into the whole graphic design thing, to me that is no longer photography, and is an art unto itself.

My two cents.

Reply:If you are fairly good with a camera, then there is not much use in going back and doing the useless things that detracts from a good photo.

Most of my good shots only have to be lightened a bit and that%26#039;s it

curbside view
Reply:Yes and no

I edit very little of my shots (from the XT), but when it comes down to my misfit camera the LOMO Fisheye 2

its pure skill.

It seems if you shoot film you have to have skill, If you shoot digital its 55% Angle and Zoom and Composition (skill) and 45% Contrast and Crop ext.
Reply:I still use the chemicals and film to do some of my photos. It is real photography to me. I could take a horrible picture with a digital camera and just edit it to make it look amazing. that is no photography skills. When using the chemicals and enlargers it really makes the picture yours. With digital it has become who can edit the photo better. I feel like it looses so much when that is done. I love the old way because i can say i took an amazing photo without all the edits
Reply:Photography is - and always has been - a two-step process:

1. Capturing the image on film or sensor;

2. Processing the negative or original file into a completely realized image (either printed or electronic).

The skills required for a quality capture have not changed.

Nor have the functional aspects of good photography: exposure, light %26amp; shadow, shutter speed, aperture, focus and composition.

After that ... well, digital technology has become so ubiquitous that it can be used by skilled and unskilled alike; by artists and charlatans; geniuses and goofballs.

The secret - as always - is to develop the skill of discrimination: accept what you find pleasing or useful ... and ignore the rest.

What is the best editing software?

I%26#039;m really into photography at the moment and i want some decent editing software. I have Picasa which is good but i want something that can change more elements of the pictures.

Any ideas guys?

Thanks in advance x
What is the best editing software?
It is worth every cent... Photoshop full version or even Photoshop Elements.

The one the Pro%26#039;s use!
What is the best editing software?
I have a copy of PhotoShop, but I prefer the Ulead it has always been in my tool box and always does the job.

Ulead System Support Center - Learning Center

For a real time sample of what Ulead can do:

curbside view
Reply:Photoshop is the best and thats what many will say. I love it and it does wonders for work but we all know that photoshop can cost a pretty penny. There are other progams out there that are quiet good.

They have photoshop elements which a slimmed down version of the full program and good for beginers and is cheap, costing at 100 dollars.

There is also Paint Shop Pro as well and is inexpensive. There are so many others out there, you just have to look around and find something that suits your needs.
Reply:Try Http://

like photoshop but mainly for photographs
Reply:We use Adobe InDesign and Photoshop and Corel

The best, is InDesign. It incoporates all the features from Wuark, Pagemaker, Phtoshop etc...into one package.

In the magazine business, this is by far, the best and not the most expensive either.

Drawing Contest!!!?


im entering a drawing contest.

The theme is %26quot;happy family%26quot;

i could always draw what i did with my family, but i want a more intresting way.

1 st place is a laptop! (yea)

pleaz help me out

i appreciate all answers

thank you!
Drawing Contest!!!?

believe me best results are here

or draw a play ful mom , homework help daddy,pizza bro,and christmas grandparents !LOL
Drawing Contest!!!?
To be honest, I don%26#039;t even know what I would draw. But my advice to you is to draw a picture that comes from you and NOT anybody else. You don%26#039;t need to be like %26quot;Van Gough%26quot; or %26quot;Monet%26quot; just to have nice artwork. Each and every one of us has different views ans ways of seeing things and you just need to learn how to express things in your own way! : ) [%26lt;3]
Reply:Draw a bunch of feet or shoes in a circle, like a photo was taken from above, when a family was standing in a circle. Draw some baby shoes, or shoes to represent the children in the family, some high heels or other shoes to represent a mom, and some big work boots or dress shoes to represent the dad. A good background would be grass, or a wood floor. You could make some leg showing to give each person more character. Edit these suggestions to fit your family. It%26#039;s a fresh new idea, with good composition, and room to be very colorful and original. You have a good chance of winning.

Good Luck! Hope you get a laptop!

What is it called in art when you incoporate photographs with vector art?

Please help, I%26#039;ve forgotten what it%26#039;s called
What is it called in art when you incoporate photographs with vector art?
Mixed media, I think
What is it called in art when you incoporate photographs with vector art?
Here are some fish in the ocean

Fine art (individual or collective mediums, may include VisCom)

Visual Communication (individual or collective mediums, may include Fine Art)

Design, illustration, photography (May include mixed media or not)


Generally it is the artist who determines what it is.

So what is it?

Just pick one you. I always decide by it%26#039;s final use.

if It%26#039;s a poste for a concert - its VisComm or Design.

The medium might be Mixed media or photography or illustration or fine art.

No wonder it is a question.... It depends on who you ask and whet you decide on.

Explain how you would film a wedding?

You may use a real or fictional wedding.

You should include the following:

planning and organization


camera placement

getting great shots
Explain how you would film a wedding?
have at least to cameras and one gets the bride and groom doen there thing and the other gets ppl doen crazy stuff and interveiw ppl then edit it all on one disk, tats how my friend explained it to me once and he does stuff like that for a living, its mostly up to what the ppl want there wedding to be recorded like though
Explain how you would film a wedding?
go to:

for a good article and list of shots
Reply:Sounds like you need to do your own homework to me!! If this is not a homework question then %26quot;The Digital Photography Book%26quot; by Scott Kelby sould answer your question!!

Photoshop 7.0 question. I need to shrink my design so i can put writing beside it. How?

I%26#039;m trying to get my t-shirt design made and I scanned my sketch in, but on photoshop the picture takes up most all the paper. I need to shrink the image (not the paper size, Ctrl + - button) so that I can put some words beside it. For example. If I drew a smiley face but i want to shrink it so that I can write %26quot;smiley%26quot; on the left of the drawing and %26quot;face%26quot; on the right side of it.

Photoshop 7.0 question. I need to shrink my design so i can put writing beside it. How?
I believe what you want to do is this: Make sure whatever layer you%26#039;re working on isn%26#039;t locked, and make sure it%26#039;s selected. Go to Edit --%26gt; Transform --%26gt; Scale. See the little chain between the W and H? Click that so you can keep the proportions the same. Adjust to your liking and click the checkmark. Hope that helps.

Who are your favourite artists (painter/photographer/etc.)?

I would like ideas for my A Level art work. I%26#039;m a little stuck on where to start, since i have already covered my famous artists in previous projects. I think i just need to learn about artists I have never heard or thought of before.

I am very interested in realism but i am open to any other movements - please suggest names of who you think are good artists and i can research their work. Thanks :)
Who are your favourite artists (painter/photographer/etc.)?
Me, Myself and I.
Who are your favourite artists (painter/photographer/etc.)?
Anne Geddes
Reply:rene magritte
Reply:Andy warhol, frida kahlo, Amedeo modigliani!
Reply:Larry Walker
Reply:Richard Dadd

Hieronymus Bosch

My favorite photog is my pal Shem,who just got a job with Vanity Fair magazine,clever lad.

Searching for fonts?

does anyone have natasha bedingfield%26#039;s album cover font?

the one that were used on her albums.

like this one:

i%26#039;ve been searching for it everywhere and i hope someone knows where to find it.

Searching for fonts?
go to and find it

I am looking for a telephoto and wideangle lens for my Sony DSC H9, I have found this...Is it worth it?

here is the link to what I am looking at....
I am looking for a telephoto and wideangle lens for my Sony DSC H9, I have found this...Is it worth it?
That seems like a reasonable price for the two new lenses. I assume you have done lots of checking around at places like B-H to compare prices? I have used lenses of this type on an older Nikon fixed lens camera and they worked well. (Honestly, to my way of thinking, these are not what I would call a true lens, but rather a glorified lens filter, but that is beside the point).

So sure, go for it if you want. They will make a difference, but you will not likely see a HUGE difference, or at least I did not with the same type of %26quot;adaptors%26quot; I had on my old Nikon 990.


Why are artists depicted as individuals who are always alone/lonely?

Usually because creativity doesn%26#039;t often come without discontent or some other need that has to be expressed.

%26quot;Discover your own discontent, and be grateful, for without divine discontent there would be no creative force.%26quot;

Deepak Chopra
Why are artists depicted as individuals who are always alone/lonely?
If I wasn%26#039;t alone, I couldn%26#039;t create the art that gives me strength and individuality in life. If I find contentment through socialization I would lose part of my authenticity. My art requires in sacrifice of part of my social life.
Why are artists depicted as individuals who are always alone/lonely?
It%26#039;s just a stereotype. The truth is very often laughably the opposite. Take for example Andy Warhol: tons of friends, lovers and hangers-on. Ditto for Picasso, who never got away from people and was always nailing hot, young French and Spanish babes. They were both really rich too.

Posers are usually the ones who dress up and take on all kinds of stereotypical affectations. Successful artists have to be outgoing, social, affable and assertive in order to market themselves. There may be some true artists who actually fit the stereotype, but you probably never heard of them because they are neither social enough nor confident enough to break into the market.

Hope that helps.
Reply:In my opinion, most of the artists are doomed to be more lonely than ordinary men for they would set aside more time and energy on thinking, then on creation. So, a more quiet and isolated space or atmosphere is indispensable %26amp; it become one of the preconditions to be an artist. It%26#039;s just because so few time they spend on social activity that make them seemingly lonely. But virtually, they are richer inwardly than anyone of us.
Reply:Common stereotypes.

I remember back in 78 when I was attending the Ontario College of Art for Fine Arts a bunch of us were heading to the cafe and a couple of teachers were with us and the subject of the myths surrounding us came up. By the time we got through to the tables with our lunches the conversation on what the public thinks of us was in full swing and we had a hoot over some of the notions people write or think about us. I came out of O.C.A. in the early eighties with a good and solid basic training and I%26#039;ve often remembered that lunch in the cafeteria, because I%26#039;m constantly reminded of what is thought of me by those whom I come in contact with!

It%26#039;s laughable and it is insulting some times.

It%26#039;s the %26quot;wannabes%26quot; who promote that stereotype, I see them all the time on Queen west during the nineties and lately they%26#039;ve been moving into Parkdale having been pushed out of the Queen West district.

Although I am sick and diagnosed with %26#039;Bipolar%26#039; disorder I%26#039;m certainly not a loner, nor a morose, and maudlin fake.

I am an artist, I like my own company as do a lot of my peers but we are not necessarily %26quot; alone/lonely.
Reply:Andy Warhol was an outcast to begin with. He was a loner and had difficulty adjusting to social life of others his age because of his sexual preference to men.

Edward Hopper is an excellent example. He was one who protrayed solitude as an important theme in his paintings. He was also very private.

Creative people don%26#039;t need a great social life, some try to avoid it. To paint and draw, or do pottery, takes a lot of concentration. I am an artist and prefer a quiet environment. But it varies from person to person.

As you start to paint more, it becomes an addiction and you may become more reserved. But being depicted as lonely isn%26#039;t necessarily a bad thing, it%26#039;s just their choice in living that way.
Reply:Take this from an artist who has actually been painting for almost thirty years:

Forget the stereotypes.

And forget the replies about artists like Warhol and Picasso. Both were pretty much loners in their early years before they became famous. Money and fame bought them extra time and all the shortcuts that come with that extra time.

Most serious artists are alone a lot because they HAVE to be alone in order to paint. Painting on canvas is not a collective creativity. It is a very singular experience. Most serious artists usually also have to work at some job at help pay their bills. So the time they have to paint in becomes very precious to them. Interruptions and distractions take away from this time.

You simply can%26#039;t paint and socialize at the same time. And by being a serious, committed artist means you sacrifice things that seem important to others, like getting hooked on American Idol or watching a lot of DVDs. You can%26#039;t paint and watch television at the same time. Nor can you go clubbing or hang out at bars and paint at the same time. It%26#039;s not that you%26#039;re anti-social. It%26#039;s that you would rather create than worry about Paris or Brittney or spending evenings in meaningless chit chat at some party.

It%26#039;s really that simple.

And it%26#039;s not that serious artists committed to their craft don%26#039;t need people, don%26#039;t have relationships or friends. We do. It%26#039;s just that we%26#039;re very protective of the time we have to create in.
Reply:The act of making art is by its nature a solo act.

It is rare for a successful artist to work with other artists.

Insane confused-- drawng?

k heres the thing , i need to make a drawing at school with anything related with mickey mouse, a bird cage, and illusion (it must include all 3 things) but this could be anything, micky mouse could just mean i draw it black and white or draw alice in wonderland, it can be ANYTHING, ideas?
Insane confused-- drawng?
print out a BLACK AND WHITE illusion, and get a bird cage picture as well and just trace it so the bird cage is in the illusion!

In Photobucket, I've edited my picture...but...?

...I%26#039;m not sure I know how to actually save it. But all I%26#039;m REALLY trying to do is past an enlarged picture on my MySpace profile. Other than, is there anywhere that can be easier if you can%26#039;t help me in Photobucket?? I need help!!! =[
In Photobucket, I%26#039;ve edited my picture...but...?
you hit done and it will ask if you want to save a copy

Fansites licensing images for galleries?

I own a fansite online and I%26#039;ve gotten to the point where I need images from premieres, award shows, etc. of the subjects of my fansite. The problem is, where can I get these HQ images? I know image companies like WireImage and Getty have them but don%26#039;t you have to have a license to use their HQ images? I%26#039;ve heard that the companies only license to major companies like magazines and such. Even if you get a paid subscription to their gallery you%26#039;re still only getting images around 600px, which is not enough.

So where do all the fansite owners get those really HQ photos of celebrities at premieres and such? Thanks!
Fansites licensing images for galleries?
To get HQ you will have to pay somebody and pay a lot.

Help in microsoft paint 2d to 3d?

Is there any way to make 2d pictures 3d like this in mspaint or any other free programs.

Does any 1 know how to dRAW HELLO KITTY?

Does any 1 know how to dRAW HELLO KITTY?
It%26#039;s quite simple. I%26#039;ve done it before and it looked almost EXACTLY like Hello Kitty. You just draw a circle for the head, draw 2 ovals for the eyes and shade them in with black, then draw an oval for the nose and color it yellow, then draw three lines on each cheek of the head for the whiskers, then for the body, draw like a triangle without the point, then for the arms, you draw a small triangle on each side of the body and color them pink, then for the overalls, you just make her body dark pink(besides her face, and her arms) then the hands, you just can draw like an oval, then for the legs you make a half oval. That%26#039;s pretty much all! Oh yeah, then draw a pretty flower on her head. Sorry I couldn%26#039;t give you a web sight, but I hope this helped!

Is this a good drawing/bad ? Improvements ? [[Pic]]?

I drew this from scratch . It%26#039;s not that great in my opinion . . . What can i do to improve itt ?
Is this a good drawing/bad ? Improvements ? [[Pic]]?
OK, I%26#039;m no artist, nor am I an art critic. I think it looks pretty darn good. I wish I could draw as well as you.
Is this a good drawing/bad ? Improvements ? [[Pic]]?
Ya, that is really good, i can draw, but i dont think i could draw that well, especially a horse!! haha:)
Reply:im not that great of an artist, but i love it, what did you use to make it?
Reply:ok im an art student, i would give an honest opinion, it looks great, add some shadows, give a look at your proportion, and add i little more shadows and highlights. Study some photographs of real horses and try to copy a few of them as good as you can, hope this helps.
Reply:It%26#039;s not too bad

It sort of reminds me of a unicorn and the tail is a bit long but why not?

It%26#039;s your horse and your horse%26#039;s tail.

Did you know that one tail hair from such a beast can hold a full grown person to the ground, with the minimum effort?

We%26#039;ll start out with the anatomy. Horse%26#039;s noses are a bit bigger than that, their cheeks much rounder. The eyes come out a bit further.

As for the legs., look at this picture: Horses don%26#039;t really have too many curves in their legs, save the back ones. Oh, and notice how the neck sort of ends at the shoulders. The shoulders do tend to be prominent.

As for the coloring. Work on smooth transitioning of colors and work on shading.
Reply:Depends on what you mean by %26quot;good.%26quot;

If you were wanting to make a simple, slightly cartoonish drawing of a horse, then yeah, it%26#039;s good.

If you were wanting to create a masterpiece, then sorry, but no.

If you were wanting to create a completely realistic depiction of a horse, study more horses, work on your proportion, and learn how to use colour and shading to create realistic images.

Clip Art Question?

I am making up the fliers for VBS at my church, and I need some clip art to put on them.

The theme is %26quot;Cactus Canyon%26quot; which is like the desert/wild west kinda thing.

Where can I get some clip art?
